InstruThe impact that Instructional Designs and Technology (IDT) has on learning is immense. For example, Bodily, Leary and West’s journal, Research Trends in Instructional Design and Technology Journals research trends of IDT: papers, keywords, authors, publishing countries and publishing universities (2018, nd). Because IDT can be very broad and diverse, it is necessary to follow trends and understand where IDT continues to grow rapidly in the 21st century.
Azimi and Fazelian’s journal also researched IDT, as well as Educational Technology (ED), and the trends not just associated with education, but also with the many terms used to describe the same term. This journal describes these terms and how they relate to IDT.
The Indicators of Exemplary Programs in Instructional Design and Technology: Faculty and Student Perspectives, written by Arrignton and Darabi, researched eleven different countries on how effective their IDT programs were. Both faculty and students were surveyed on how they perceived the effectiveness of their IDT and the impacts these programs had on their learning.
Instructional Designs
Without technology, technological advancements, and/or innovation, there would be no Instructional Designs. Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation.
There are many definitions when it comes to identifying the industry of Instructional Technology (IT). I often asked, “What does this IT term mean?” The best way for me to describe what IT means to me, is to refer to it as an online learning environment, as well as an education with the help of online technology.
Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology, offers an early description of IT as being, “Focused on instructional media – the physical means via which instruction is presented to learners” (Dempsey, Reiser, 2018, p.1). More recently, Dempsey and Reiser describes Educational Technology as an ethical study that focuses effective learning with the assistance of appropriate technological processes and resources (2018, p.3).
There are many names to describe the use of technology in conjunction teaching, and the meaning of “technology” can be subjective and relevant to the time in which it is used. After all, the definition of technology is:
The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
Machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge (dictionary.com, nd).
At one point in time, the use of a chalkboard could have been considered new technology meant to help our lives and expedite the learning process. For our current era, there are many applications and websites that continue to evolve and help us all to learn new knowledge and skills. Just a few decades ago, meeting online in a synchronous manner was impossible. Because of technology today, we can teach and be taught in an online virtual classroom with the help of video conferencing applications, such as Zoom. These advancements will only continue to progress with new technological aids that enhance our learning experiences.
YouTube Videos Created by Iris Solis-Pinedo
Iris' YouTube page
Prezi Presentations Created by Iris Solis-Pinedo
As an educator, having access to technological tools, like YouTube and Prezi, help strengthen learning experiences because not only are they entertaining, they engage students in learning by stimulating their senses. These tools also offer a different perspective.
ETEC 676d I enjoyed my experience working with mixed, augmented, and virtual realities. I was exposed to the possibilities of using simulated realities and the benefit of using these tools in order to create a learning environment that can stimulate learners into the retention of the subject matter.
Arrington, T., & Darabi, L. (2018). Indicators of exemplary programs in instructional design and technology: Faculty and student perspectives. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66(1), 173-189. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1170595
Dictionary.com. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2019, from https://www.dictionary.com/.
Reiser, R. A., & Dempsey, J. V. (2018). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology. New York: Pearson.